Monday, March 9, 2009

FIVE BEVERAGES to quench your thirst

Foe people who spend half of the year in mind-boggling heat and another quarter in muggy humidity. To smile through it all, you need - loads and loads of the squishy stuff ! With soft drink fads definitely being on the way out (imagine they use it as pesticide - and it works!), and tea/coffee being awfully dehydrating, here are a few other options for the weight watchers and the health freaks-

Lemonade or good old nimbu-paani. Easily prepared with a dash of lime and a pinch of salt and yummy to boot, this remains my eternal favorite. If you happen to be outside, a packaged lemonade is available in the shops, though it’s a bit too sweet for my taste. Dabur Lemoneez deserves mention here as a terrific and convenient option, though I don?t suppose it matches a lemon in the goody Vitamin C content.

Weight-watchers - a half-slice of lemon with a spoonful of honey in a glass of lukewarm water first thing in the morning is a natural slimming remedy ? see if it works!

Buttermilk or good old lassi is not only yummy but also cool in the summer heat. Kids love the frothy bubbles on top.
There is also a commercial lassi available at the local Mother Dairy. Packed in a convenient sachet that can be cut at the top, it comes in both sweet and salty flavors. Need I say I love the salty one ? Priced at just Rs.5/-, it wins hands don over any cold drink - ad or no ad. At home, it is also the easiest thing to whip up and serve to guests.

Weight-watchers - Use toned milk and skip the sugar.

Milk shakes, Milk shakes ? the eternal milk shakes - Well, what better way to get that dos of calcium down, stay healthy and yet beat the heat ? Shake up a glass of milk with plenty of fruit and there you are ! Now, the best milk shakes, I still say are -Nirula’s. I can never forget their Hot Chocolate Fudge. A word to the wise - The cold coffee at McDonald?s is passable, and just pass on the iced tea.

Weight-watchers - Use toned milk and avoid ice-cream.

For my fourth choice, I pick Jaljeera - tangy, tasty and just right. You can go in for the bottled kind, but the best variety is authentic. Add loads of crushed ice and be ready with a mocktail and an appetizer to beat any other.

Weight-watchers - You just can’t go wrong with this choice. Just sit back and relax.

Last but not the least water melon juice The best way to have this is pure and simple with lots of ice and a dash of rock salt.

Weight-watchers - Artificial sweeteners are harmful in many other ways that sugar is not. It is much better to rely on diet control and exercise.

Happy drinking!

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